Labor Markets Don't Clear: Let's Stop Pretending They Do

Beginning with the work of  Robert Lucas and Leonard Rapping in 1969, macroeconomists have modeled the labor market as if the wage always adjusts to equate the demand and supply of labor.

I don't think thats a very good approach. It's time to drop the assumption that the demand equals the supply of labor. 

Why would you want to delete the labor market clearing equation from an otherwise standard model?  Because setting the demand equal to the supply of labor is a terrible way of understanding business cycles.

Hours spent in employment varies over time for three reasons.

First, people enter or leave the labor force.  Second, some people lose jobs and others find jobs. Third, people work longer or shorter hours. Most economists confound all three reasons by using only one data series; hours spent in paid employment. That's not a good idea.

Here's data on participation in blue on the right axis against unemployment in red on the left axis. The grey areas are recessions. Participation is smooth; it trends up until 2000 and then trends down.   All the action during recessions is in the unemployment rate.

Participation and Unemployment
Perhaps its variation in hours that explains demand and supply variations?  Nope.  Here is data on average weekly hours (in blue on the right scale) and the same series on unemployment for comparison.

Hours and Unemployment

Why is this a big deal? Because 90% of the macro seminars I attend, at conferences and universities around the world,  still assume that the labor market is an auction where anyone can work as many hours as they want at the going wage.  Why do we let our students keep doing this? 

Asset Prices in a Lifecycle Economy

I have just completed a new paper on asset prices, "Asset Prices in a Lifecycle Economy".  The paper is available here from the NBER or here from my website.  This is a good time to comment on asset price volatility and the apparently contradictory findings of two of the 2013 Nobel Laureates because my paper sheds light on this issue. 

In 2013, Gene FamaLars Hansen and Robert Shiller, shared the Nobel Prize for their empirical analysis of asset prices.1 

Fama won the Nobel Prize for showing that financial markets are efficient. He meant, that it is not possible to make money by trading financial assets because markets already incorporate all available information. 

Shiller won the Nobel Prize for showing that financial markets are inefficient. He meant that the ratio of the price of a stock to the dividends it earns, returns to a long run average value; hence, an investor can profit by holding undervalued stocks for very long periods. 

These apparently contradictory results are consistent  because Fama and Shiller are referring to different concepts of efficiency.

When Fama says that financial markets are efficient, he means informational efficiency. There is a second concept that economists call Pareto efficiency. This means that there is no possible intervention by government that can improve the welfare of one person without making someone else worse off. The fact that markets are informationally efficient does not necessarily mean that they are Pareto efficient and that fact helps to explain why financial markets appear to do such crazy things over short periods of time.

Long-run predictability is not the only feature of asset prices that is hard to understand. Economists also have a hard time explaining why asset prices are so volatile (the excess volatility puzzle) and why the return to equity has historically been six percentage points higher than the return to holding government debt, (the equity premium puzzle).

My new working paper explains both these asset pricing puzzles.  I don't need to assume that there are financial frictions, sticky prices or irrational behavior.  The only thing that is different about my work from standard macroeconomic models is birth and death. Rather than assume, as do many models, that there is a single representative agent in the world,  I assume instead that people are born, they work, they retire and they die. 
Figure 1 Source "Asset prices in a Lifecycle Economy", (c) Roger E. A. Farmer
Figure 1 compares simulated data from my model (left panel) with US data (right panel). The blue line in both cases is the safe rate of return and the green line is the stock market return. 

In the simulated data, like the actual data, the stock market is risky with a higher average return than a safe short asset.  What explains my results?

Financial markets are like insurance markets. If you own a house you will insure the house against fire. And since not all houses burn down at the same time, the premiums we all pay for fire insurance can be used to compensate the unlucky few who suffer from a loss in any given year. But to benefit from insurance, you must purchase the insurance before your house burns down.

Oreopolous and coauthors have shown that people who start their working life in a recession are worse off for their entire lives than people born in a boom. Given the opportunity, we would all choose to purchase insurance over the state of the world into which we are born, for the same reason that we buy fire insurance on our house. I call our inability to purchase this insurance, the absence of prenatal financial markets. It is the inability of the young to trade in prenatal financial markets that explains why the financial markets are not Pareto Optimal.

In my model, huge inefficient asset price fluctuations occur because the unborn are not around to profit from them. Risky assets trade at a premium because retirees have no other source of income and cannot afford to gamble away their savings.  If our children's children's children could trade in the markets, they would short stocks that are overvalued, and buy those that are undervalued. But for those of us with finite horizons, life is too short to make those trades. As Keynes quipped; Markets can remain irrational for longer than you or I can remain solvent. 
1. Lars Hansen won for his work on estimation and I will not have a lot here to say about his contribution. It has already become a part of the curriculum for every Ph.D. student in economics.  

Doing Economics: A Thought for the Day for Grad Students

A common mistake amongst Ph.D. students is to place too much weight on the ability of mathematics to solve an economic problem.  They take a model off the shelf and add a new twist. A model that began as an elegant piece of machinery designed to illustrate a particular economic issue,  goes through five or six amendments from one paper to the next. By the time it reaches the n'th iteration it looks like a dog designed by committee.

Mathematics doesn't solve economic problems. Economists solve economic problems. My advice: never formalize a problem with mathematics until you have already figured out the probable answer. Then write a model that formalizes your intuition and beat the mathematics into submission. That last part is where the fun begins because the language of mathematics forces you to make your intuition clear. Sometimes it turns out to be right. Sometimes you will realize your initial guess was mistaken. Always, it is a learning process.

Did Keynes have a Theory of Aggregate Supply?

My old classmate Nick Rowe has a new post on Chapter 3 of The General Theory.  In Nick's words,
Start with three equations.
1. The production function: Y=F(L). Output (Y) is a function of employment (L). 
2. A "classical" labour demand curve: W/P=MPL(L). The real wage (W/P) equals the Marginal Product of Labour, which is a decreasing function of employment. This is Keynes' "first classical postulate", which he agreed with. 
3. A "classical" labour supply curve: W/P=MRS(L,Y). The real wage equals the Marginal Rate of Substitution between labour (or leisure) and output (or consumption). This is Keynes' "second classical postulate", which he disagreed with (except at "full employment"). 
From 1 and 2, plus some tedious math, we can derive what Keynes calls "the aggregate supply function": PY/W = S(L). It shows the value of output, measured in wage units, as a function of employment. It is substantively identical to the Short Run Aggregate Supply Curve in intermediate macro textbooks that assume sticky nominal wages: Y=H(P/W), which uses the exact same equations 1 and 2, but presents the same solution differently. 
From 1 and 3, plus some tedious math, we can derive a second "aggregate supply function", that is not in the General Theory: PY/W = Z(L). It is substantively identical to the short run aggregate supply curve implicit in New Keynesian models, which assume sticky P and perfectly flexible W, so the economy is always on the labour supply curve and always on the production function.
From 1 and 2 and 3, plus some tedious math, we can solve for Y, L, and W/P, and derive a third aggregate supply function: Y=Y*. This is the textbook Long Run Aggregate Supply curve. It is identical to the solution we could get if we solved for the levels of Y, L, and W/P that satisfied both the first and second "aggregate supply functions".
Nick's first supply curve is the only supply curve in The General Theory. All else is due to misinterpretations by later economists who tried to make sense of what Keynes really meant (ineffectively in my view).  We don't need sticky prices (supply curve number 2) and we don't need to reintroduce the second classical postulate through the back door (supply curve number 3).  That is 1950s MIT talking and it led us down the wrong path.

In Chapter 4 of The General Theory, Keynes suggests that we measure output in wage units. Here is Nick again on that point...
Keynes' weird habit of measuring output in wage units had an unfortunate result: because [it implies that]  doubling the real wage, for a given level of output and real income, would exactly double output demanded. 
That is simply false. There is no unique concept of output in a multi-good economy. Contrary to Nick's assertion, there is nothing 'weird' at all about the measurement of GDP in wage units. It is a clever device that allows us to measure real GDP and to concentrate on the determinants of aggregate economic activity.

And Nick claims later in his post that
There is absolutely nothing new on the supply-side in chapter 3 of the General Theory.
Not so. Although there is no 'theory' of aggregate supply that would satisfy a micro economist, that is not the same as Nick's claim that there is nothing new. What is new is the assertion that Keynes will drop the classical second postulate. In other words: throw away the labor supply curve. Making sense of that statement is what my own work is all about.

Back to Nick...
It is the demand-side that is new. It is the idea that the demand for goods is a function of the quantity of labour that households are actually ableto sell. If households are rationed in the labour market, that will spillover and affect their demand in the output market. Because the amount of labour they are actually able to sell, and hence the income they will earn from wages plus non-wages, depends on demand. Which means that demand depends upon demand. Demand depends on itself. That was new, and interesting."
I agree that the consumption function, the idea that "demand depends on itself",  was a central element of the theory of The General Theory. But is there a Keynesian consumption function in the data? I don't think so. At least, not in the form that Keynes postulated in the GT.

Attempts to reconcile short run cross section evidence and long run time series evidence on the value of the multiplier led to permanent income theory and the Ricardian equivalence debate. That debate is what we are all so heated up over right now. If the GT is nothing but the Keynesian multiplier, and if that theory is wrong, then what is the Wannabe Keynesian left with?
The Wannabe Keynesian is left with the theory of supply; a denial of the classical second postulate. My work builds a cohesive microeconomic foundation to the economics of Keynes' theory of aggregate supply. That foundation denies Say's law, (the proposition that supply creates its own demand) and it allows us to us refocus the debate on where it belongs. What is the best way to restore effective demand?